Eastside Multifamily Policy Group

Housing solutions for Eastside communities.


Bellevue Planning Commission Design Standards Letter

The PLUSH Committee appreciates the Commission’s guideline revisions but suggests clearer, objective standards to align with HB 1293, focusing on height, bulk, and exterior design.

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Redmond Pioneer Provision & Inclusionary Requirement Comments

EMPG responds to modeling assumptions and pioneer project provisions in proposed housing plan.

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Who We Are

The Eastside Multifamily Policy Group is a coalition of apartment and condominium developers building housing across East King County.

Formed through the Bellevue Chamber, we've come together to promote pro-housing policies across all Eastside cities.

What We Do

Policy Development


EMPG works with the most respected and knowledgable housing policy experts to develop policies unique to each jurisdiction we work in. We hire architects, planners, economists, consultants, and harness our member's experience to build housing policies that work and defend against well-intentioned proposals that could hold back development and affordability.

Coalition Building


Housing policy is complicated. EMPG has become the epicenter of multifamily policy development on the Eastside. We work directly with city planning staff, planning commissioners, city councils, county and regional leaders, and our state partners to make sure the knowledge and concerns of those who build housing are known and understood.

Effective Advocacy


We've helped rewrite the Bellevue Multifamily Tax Exemption program, stress-tested inclusionary housing models in Kirkland and Redmond, and worked to find solutions that balance the need for affordability without harming supply.


Our coalition succeeds on the expertise of our members. Reach out for information about joining.

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EMPG Members

Our Team

EMPG is operated by the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce. In addition to the expertise provided by EMPG and Chamber members, we work with some of the top experts in the field. They help design, model, and test draft policies to ensure city leaders have carefully considered proposals before them and can be well-informed about their impacts.


Natalie Quick

Executive Director

Matt Roewe

Architectural Consultant

Morgan Shook

Economic Analyst